Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Cannabis Dosing Guidelines

Cannabis Dosing Guidelines

The process of any therapy is best guided by a medical doctor or health care professional with the acumen, proper training and experience.  These days, medical marijuana is increasingly recommended and often substituted for prescription drugs that have serious side-effects and addictive properties.  In some cases, such as epilepsy and other neurological, no other medicine provides a good quality of life solution.

Cannabis medicines are now commonly used in conjunction with other medicines to control pain, inflammation, anxiety, cancers, diabetes, and other symptoms. Proper dosing is based on the individual and their health concerns. One route is not best for all patients! Please consult trusted Medical Cannabis Professionals for your ailment.

Routes of administration for Cannabis based medicines are:

Inhalation, Oral, Topical, Sublingual, and Injection.


It is important to administer your own dosing and take note of the dosing, timing, and effects. Experienced users already understand their limits on dosing, as well as the type of dose (a hit, or a piece of edible, or a ¼ dropper) and the timing – how long the effects will last.

Users starting Cannabis Dosing for their first time are recommended to start Low and take it Slow! It may help to start with a cannabis medicine that is high in CBD and low in THC to prevent unwanted effects, especially for children, the elderly, and pets. Take small doses, see how long they last, take note. It’s possible the smaller doses may not giver the user the healing element they are seeking and they may be ready to start upping their doses. Make sure to go SLOW! Take the extra dosing one step at a time until you are sure of your dosing needs.

Also, the different types of dosing may give the patient different effects. For example, one may feel good when vaping cannabis and feel anxiety when eating cannabis, and another one may feel the exact opposite.

With Inhalation, an experienced cannabis smoker can titrate and regulate dose to obtain the desired acute effects and minimize the undesirable effects. Each puff delivers a discrete dose of cannabinoids to the body. A vape is recommended to all medical marijuana users preferring the inhalation route. Oral ingestion of THC or cannabis has quite different pharmacokinetics than inhalation. The onset of action is delayed and titration of dosing is more difficult. Sublingual dosing also can be measured by the dropper. A patient is seeing how much oil or tincture is in the dropper and self-medicate according to how he/she is able to handle the effects.

"In a two-day study, on one occasion, she was given a mixture of intravenous THC + CBD and on the other day a female patient was administered pure THC. With the CBD mix she was euphoric, coherent and happy. In contrast with the pure THC, she was paranoid, couldn’t form thoughts, couldn’t remember things, and was extremely mentally uncomfortable with how she was feeling." - The Beckley Foundation

These days THC alone is not recommended for most patients.  Rather CBD:THC in a 1:1 ratio for THC tolerant individuals appears to provide far superior medical benefits to most patients while psychoactivity responses tend to be overwhelmingly better at reducing anxiety, enhancing the feeling of well-being with minimal feelings of psychosis.  Also, non-psychoactive medicines containing CBD and little THC are becoming particularly popular in the treatment of children, elderly, epileptics and hard-to-treat patients.


Examples: Joints, inhaler, vapes, pipes

Traditionally dried cannabis flowers (buds) or leaves are smoked.  Concentrated oily marijuana Hash and kief are also used throughout the modern and ancient world. Inhaled medications are generally absorbed very quickly, and act both locally and systemically in a few minutes.  Correct technique using inhalation devices is necessary to control the dose amount. Some medications can have an unpleasant taste or cause irritation in the mouth.

Inhalation delivers the medicine drugs to the nervous system and brain with little dilution by the circulatory system.  

Dose range: THC and/or CBD - 2-100 mg / day.

Effects: Begins in a few minutes and lasts about two hours plus or minus.

Dosage: Start with 2 mg, Inhale fully but naturally (you don't need to hold the smoke/vapor in your lungs) …and exhale in a relaxed way. Wait a few minutes. and take another 2mg "hit" if your symptoms are still present. As you learn about your response, more medicine can be used right away, and then add on from there.

Preheat the vaporizer to the temperature recommended by the manufacturer. Insert a measured amount of dried (cured) cannabis flower or extract into a vaporizer.  Press the on button and then simply inhale. The cannabis is heated to a temperature below combustion but still hot enough to release the active ingredients: the cannabinoids and terpenes.  Vaporizers are now available in a wide array of shapes and sizes, from exotic units to pocket/purse pens.  

For most patients, the effects of smoking dried cannabis are felt almost immediately, but soon begin to diminish. Depending on the individual patient, and the cannabinoid content and potency of the cannabis strain, effects wear off almost completely within 90 minutes to 4 hours.


Examples: Edibles using cooking oils & butter, capsules.

Advantages: Easy to take, long lasting, soothing and smooth. Raw cannabis contains THC-A, a non-psychoactive but medicinal form of THC. Baking converts THC-A into psychoactive THC (d9).  So raw and baked can deliver non-psychoactive or psychoactive effects respectively. THC overdose is possible so start small when using THC high products.

Dose range: 2 - 100 mg

Side Effects: Eating too much medical cannabis (high in THC) can cause extreme drowsiness, dizziness, inability to concentrate, diminished ability to focus, rapid heartbeat, increases or decreases in blood pressure, need for sleep, and feelings of euphoria. Balanced forms with equal quantities of THC:CBD or CBD alone are recommended for THC intolerant individuals.

"Dr. William Courtney, a juicing guru of fame, recommends ingesting fifteen leaves

and a couple of big buds daily."

The oral route is generally the most convenient and cheapest of drug delivery systems. The majority of cases, medical marijuana tends to sooth and balance the intestinal tract, particularly the large intestine, were inflammation can be dramatically reduced as seen in many documented cases of Crohn's.  However, drugs, including marijuana can cause gastrointestinal tract irritation in some.  Medication that comes in tablets or capsules form tends to be delivered more rapidly than edibles - such as brownies - where absorption is time-released.

"Juicing raw cannabis is the Crohn’s Disease health cure that Kristen claims saved her life. Diagnosed at 16 with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the illness quickly turned into an auto immune disorder that left her bedridden for four years. Finally, the teen and her mother began to look for alternative treatments. Kristen began juicing raw cannabis, and after a month she claims her pain stopped and her recovery began. She is now an advocate for medical marijuana treatment for fellow sufferers."   -  Kristen Courtney

Cannabis is usually infused into butter and oil that is substituted into a great variety of recipes. Edibles take 20 minutes to an hour to take effect while inhalation takes only a few minutes. Doses can be difficult to judge because absorption rates vary depending on the individual and medicine.  The condition of the digestive tract and the pre-intake of other foods and beverages also affect absorption, release and effect.

The easiest way to control an edible dose is to take a known amount of THC and or CBD on a relatively empty stomach, perhaps with afternoon tea or before breakfast. Another way is to munch a little bit, and then wait an hour and gauge the effect before eating more.  Through trial and effect, the correct, comfortable dosage can be established.  

Many patients with cancer, aids, chronic pain, nervous system disorders often find that oral administration provides greater relaxation and calming cerebral effects than any other method. Oral cannabis meds are particularly popular for those with medical conditions that interfere with a good night's sleep. Again, it is the type of cannabis, rate of delivery and dose that are the main factors in the result.  

Cannabis tinctures have been around forever.  Tinctures allow medication without any psychoactive effects. Before prohibition in the 1930's US Pharmacopeia listed tinctures as a preferred form of application.  Marijuana infused whiskey was also a popular choice as some people would imagine. Today low-dose ethanol cannabis tinctures are readily available in states with legalized medical marijuana.


  • Start with ¼ of the producer's recommended “dose” of the herbal medicine.
  • Wait an hour and observe/analyze the effects - with a licensed health care professional if possible.
  • Consume another ¼ dose if required, wait another hour, analyze effects.
  • Consume the remainder of the dose, if required.
  • Analyze results the next day and discuss optimal dosage with your health care professional.


Examples: Creams, lotions, oils and patches.

Advantages: Topical medicines act mostly at the site of harm, high levels of patient satisfaction, easy to use, slow but long-lasting effect, non-invasive, non-psychoactive.

Disadvantages: slow absorption.  The dose of some forms such as creams or lotions, the dosage is difficult to control.

Dose range: 10 to 200 mg.

By delivering drugs almost directly to the site of action, the risk of systemic side effects is minimized. However, skin irritation can result in a minority of patients.

"CBD oil helps with the healing process and inflammation, stuff like that. So you want to get these for before and after the fights, training. It’ll make your life a better place." - Mixed Martial Artist - Nate Diaz

Topical herbal medicines are applied directly to the skin or muscles. Topicals include lotions, salves, balms, sprays, oils, and creams.  Patient testimonials suggest that they are tremendously effective for skin conditions like psoriasis, joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, restless leg syndrome, spasms, common muscle stress and soreness. Unlike inhalation and oral routes, topicals are 100% non-psychoactive- you could bathe in them and never get stoned. Good for arthritis, psoriasis, dermatitis, skin cancer, and other skin conditions.


Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are fat and alcohol soluble.  Formulations containing cannabinoids, like THC and CBD or other cannabinoids pass from the patch through the skin into the blood.

While patches are relatively rare right now, this route of administration might become the most popular and effective choice of all.  Just slap on a patch and go.  Some medication tends to be relaxing and other types invigorating.  People with chronic conditions that require constant medication to maintain their quality of life can start their day with a "day patch" and finish off with a "night patch", counting their blessings all the while.

How to use: Just apply the patch to a clean, dry and probably hairless skin surface.  Popular places to apply a patch are the inner-wrist area, top of foot or ankle. This method is readily accepted by patients that do not want to inhale cannabis medicine.

SUBLINGUAL  - Under the Tounge

Examples: Essential Oils and Tinctures.

Advantages: Easy, fast, effective. easy to control the dose, preferred route for children.

Disadvantages: Hard to get the right medicine, often expensive.

Dose range: 1 to 100 mg.

Sublingual means drug administration through the tissue under the tongue.  Some patients find that either oral or sublingual delivery is the best choice for their conditions.

A cannabis tincture is a highly concentrated form of marijuana dissolved in alcohol (ethanol), glycerin or MCT oil such as coconut. Dosage must be carefully monitored, it takes only a few drops to achieve a therapeutic effect. Patients start with a few drops sprayed or squirted under the tongue.  Users monitor the effect and take another few drops, if required.  In the beginning stages, the process, of course, should be done at home and be directed by a licensed health care professional.  Tinctures can also be mixed with beverages l but the potency and effect is more unpredictable than simple under the tongue administration.


The use of cannabis medicines delivered via suppositories is uncommon but it may become an especially effective route to treat certain difficult to treat conditions, like cancer and organ insults.

Advantages: Efficient, fast and long lasting, may be particularly effective for liver, pancreas and internal organ injury resulting from cancer and other causes.
Cons: Inconvenient to administer "on the road".  Refrigeration of medication is required. Hemorrhoid sufferers suffer.
Dosage: Suppositories come in various sizes, 1 or 2 grams usually with varying amounts of active ingredient and type.  Bum pills can be cut in half to reduce dose.

"There is a “watershed” of veins in the rectum.  Collectively they are called the rectal or hemorrhoidal plexus.  The majority of the venous flow (after absorbing cannabinoids) goes by way of the superior rectal vein into the portal vein, while the inferior veins flow into the vena cava.  The portal vein collects most all venous return from the pancreas to the rectum with all the nutrients and enzymes for digestion) where the blood goes on to the liver for what is called first-pass metabolism.  The majority of THC is converted to 11-OH-THC, a similarly psychoactive molecule.  The vena cava on the other hand goes back to the heart and general circulation before it more slowly reaches the liver for metabolism. " -  Jeff Hergenrather MD

 How to Use: Patients insert a small cone-shaped waxy ball of cannabis meds into their rectum, where it is absorbed via the lower colon into the blood. This method is perhaps controversial and less palatable than other ways to medicate, but some patients thank god for it.  It is not difficult, just put on some gloves, lie on your side, and insert the suppository about 2 inches into the anus. Squeeze sphincter muscles and don't move for a few minutes. Then you're good to go. There are also syringe deliverable suppository medicines too.  


Examples: Hypodermic needle, IV drip.

Advantages: Fast, potent medication for extreme cases.

Disadvantages: Inconvenient, expensive, can require assistance, pain.

Dose range:2 to 100 mg.

Injections can be intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), and subcutaneous (SC).  Injections meds take effect rapidly - in 15–30 seconds for IV, 10–20 minutes for IM, and 15–30 minutes for SC. Medication is more or less 100% bioavailable.  Cannabis is used for AIDS/HIV, Cancer, chronic pain sufferers and anti-inflammatory conditions to improve feelings of well-being, overcome anxiety, reduce inflammation, improve appetite and manage pain.  People already on IV can conveniently use Cannabis based medicines by simplifying the appropriate concentrate to their drip.

This procedure must be approved and done by a licensed health care professional.  

"After being diagnosed with cancer, Beverly Hills celebrity Cheryl Shuman began taking a cocktail of medications and up to 27 morphine tablets a day in a bid to overcome the disease. However, after learning about cannabis oil, Cheryl started to treat herself. She says the treatment cured her in 90 days and remains in remission to this day."  -  Cheryl Shuman


There is little point in medicating and poisoning oneself at the same time.  Mold, pesticides and residual solvents are serious contaminants too often found in random testing. When using any kind of cannabis medicine, products should be free of residual solvents (used to extract medical ingredients), pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, mold, fungus and other toxic components.  

The cannabinoid profile should be measured using liquid chromatography (LC) to see that the THC, CBD and other cannabinoids are present in the appropriate therapeutic quantity.

Overdosing is a possibility with both THC and CBD but are low-risk as compared to most other medications.  The beauty of cannabis based medicines is that their toxicity and side effects are much lower than your standard pharmaceutical preparation.  THC overdose can famously result in temporary psychosis and scares the living hell out of the victim.  CBD is well-tolerated in humans and overdose is very uncommon.   Side-effects are limited to minor complaints.

"Several studies suggest that CBD is non-toxic in non-transformed cells and does not induce changes on food intake, does not induce catalepsy, does not affect physiological parameters (heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature), does not affect gastrointestinal transit and does not alter psychomotor or psychological functions. Also, chronic use and high doses up to 1,500 mg/day of CBD are reportedly well tolerated in humans."  PubMed

Don’t forget to take a break from cannabis! Too much consumption of cannabis will increase your tolerance, so it is important to take a break from cannabis once in a while (consult with your trusted Medical Cannabis Professional). It may help to switch strains when the effects of one is no longer working.

Remember, Sativa helps patients stay awake and alert, Indica helps patients relax and sleep. THC is psychoactive (may be beneficial for some, depending on condition and individual), CBD is non-psychoactive. Juicing RAW, uncooked cannabis leaves and topicals can also be non-psychoactive.

 WARNING: This article is for informational purposes only! You must do your own research, consult with a trusted Medical Cannabis Professional, only YOU know what is best for you! Heel better my friends!


Please watch this Video: iCAN Isreal Cannabis - Dr. Deborah Malka - "Dosage and Delivery Methods of Medical Cannabis"