Monday, September 11, 2017

Alzheimer's Disease and Cannabis

Increasing Evidence Shows that Cannabis is a therapeutic treatment for Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease in an illness of the brain. It causes large numbers of nerve cells in the brain to die. This affects the ability to remember things and think clearly. Symptoms begin after age 60, and nearly half of people over age 85, however, it is not a normal part of aging. This neurological disorder is characterized by progressive memory loss and learned behavior. A chronic, progressively worsening problem can occur. Patients with Alzheimer's are likely to experience depression, agitation, and appetite loss, among other symptoms.

**No approved treatments (by the FDA) or medications are available to stop the progression of Alzheimer's. However, increasing evidence is showing that chemical compounds in cannabis are shown to improve Alzheimer's symptoms.

Inflammation appears in the brain very early on in Alzheimer's patients. Cannabis has been known to be an anti-inflammatory. Daily treatment with cannabis reduces inflammation and improves memory.

The trigger mechanism of Alzheimer's is the accumulation of heavy metals in the nervous system causing free radical damage leading to DNA and mitochondrial DNA damage. Particularly mercury and aluminum.

THC seems to have a protective effect in older brains. The biochemistry of neurons changes as the cell matures. The roll of endocannabinoids shifts to regulate different functions, assisting in the survival of aged neurons. In patients with Alzheimer's, THC protects neurons from death in several ways.

How does Cannabis help Alzheimer's Brains?

Cannabis boosts depleted levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which when diminished, contributes to the weakened mental function in Alzheimer's patients. 

THC also suppresses the toxic effects of the A-beta protein that may kill neurons in Alzheimer's disease.

It stimulates secretion of neuron growth by promoting substances such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

It dampens the release of excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which kills neurons by overstimulation.

Cannabis also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions that protect neurons from immune system attack. 

Can Cannabis prevent Alzheimer's?

Watch this video from Patients Out of Time:
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New research from the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA reveals that THC can block the formation of brain clogging amyloid plaque in parts of the brain important for memory and cognition. THC's blocking power is even more effective than some prescription Alzheimer's drugs. The studies shows that THC blocks an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, which speeds the formation of amyloid plaque in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Kim Janda and colleagues used lab studies to show that THC preserves brain levels of the key neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Janda's reports in an article in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics. Their experiments show that THC prevents formation of the amyloid plaques that are a hallmark of AD and it's damage to the brain.

For Treatment, a Puff May Be Enough

Gary Wenk, a professor of neuroscience at Ohio State and an expert on chronic brain inflammation and Alzheimer’s, says that he began studying cannabinoids after other sorts of compounds sent to him for review by pharmaceutical companies consistently failed to reduce inflammation in the brain. In experiments with rats, he says, marijuana has proven to be the most potent brain anti-inflammatory available. Wenk and his team have also surveyed dementia-free older people about their lifestyles and, he says, discovered that "individuals who smoked marijuana in the ‘60s and ‘70s, who are now entering their 60s and 70s, are not getting Alzheimer’s at the rate they should be."

Wenk believes that, in humans, "the equivalent of one puff a day” could help ward off dementia. “I have said to older people, ‘Try it,’” Wenk says. “They email me back to say it’s helping. It’s worked in every rat we’ve given it to. We have some happy, intelligent old rats.”

In a YouTube talk, "Marijuana and Coffee Are Good for the Brain," Wenk envisions a cannabinoid medication people might take "via a patch, so you wouldn't actually have to inhale any cancerous smoke, and you wouldn't have to prepare the joints. We could get around all of those behaviors that some people find unpleasant, especially the elderly." He says he'll continue to search for "a magic bullet" to deliver cannabinoids "to reduce the inflammation and its consequences on your mental function without having to raise the specter of it being a drug of abuse."
Full article HERE

Find dozens of research on Cannabis and Alzheimer's Disease here:

"Among Cannabis compounds, cannabidiol (CBD), which lacks any unwanted psychotropic effect, may represent a very promising agent with the highest prospect for therapeutic use."

"While findings from six studies showed significant benefits from synthetic cannabinoids—dronabinol or nabilone—on agitation and aggression, definitive conclusions were limited by small sample sizes, short trial duration, and lack of placebo control in some of these studies."

The therapeutic potential of the endocannabinoid system for Alzheimer's disease.
"The cannabinoid system should be a prime target for AD therapy. The cannabinoid receptor 2 appears to be a promising candidate but its role in AD has to be investigated cautiously. Furthermore, the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol is of particular interest as it lacks the psychoactive and cognition-impairing properties of other cannabinoids."

A Molecular Link Between the Active Component of Marijuana and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology
"We note that while THC provides an interesting Alzheimer's disease drug lead, it is a psychoactive compound with strong affinity for endogenous cannabinoid receptors. It is noteworthy that THC is a considerably more effective inhibitor of AChE-induced Aβ deposition than the approved drugs for Alzheimer's disease treatment, donepezil and tacrine, which reduced Aβ aggregation by only 22% and 7%, respectively, at twice the concentration used in our studies. Therefore, AChE inhibitors such as THC and its analogues may provide an improved therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease, augmenting acetylcholine levels by preventing neurotransmitter degradation and reducing Aβ aggregation, thereby simultaneously treating both the symptoms and progression of Alzheimer's disease."

Neuroprotective effect of cannabidiol on beta-amyloid-induced toxicity in PC12 cells.
"Our results indicate that cannabidiol exerts a combination of neuroprotective, anti-oxidative and anti-apoptotic effects against beta-amyloid peptide toxicity, and that inhibition of caspase 3 appearance from its inactive precursor, pro-caspase 3, by cannabidiol is involved in the signalling pathway for this neuroprotection."

The potential therapeutic effects of THC on Alzheimer's disease.
"We did discover that THC directly interacts with Aβ peptide, thereby inhibiting aggregation. Furthermore, THC was effective at lowering both total GSK-3β levels and phosphorylated GSK-3β in a dose-dependent manner at low concentrations. At the treatment concentrations, no toxicity was observed and the CB1 receptor was not significantly upregulated. Additionally, low doses of THC can enhance mitochondria function and does not inhibit melatonin's enhancement of mitochondria function. These sets of data strongly suggest that THC could be a potential therapeutic treatment option for Alzheimer's disease through multiple functions and pathways."

Safety and Efficacy of Medical Cannabis Oil for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
"Adding Medical Cannabis Oil to Alzheimer's Disease patients' pharmacotherapy is safe and a promising treatment option."

The Effects of Medical Marijuana on Alzheimer’s Treatment
"A preclinical study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that very small doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a chemical found in marijuana, can slow the production of beta-amyloid proteins, thought to be a hallmark characteristic and key contributor to the progression of Alzheimer’s."

These and other found mostly at: - Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease and Cannabis Groups

Taking care of a loved one? Get connected! Look for some online groups to connect to. Read stories from patients using cannabis for Alzheimer's and find help and guidance. Here are some good facebook groups:

Dosing with Cannabis for Treatment of Alzheimer's

Recommendations for treatment with cannabis include, but not limited to:
Oil - A CBD:THC ratio of 1:1 is beneficial. Have a few drops of CBD-THC oil, it can be put in coffee, tea, food, or directly dropped under the tongue. If the AD patient does not like the effects of THC, the dosing can start off with a higher CBD ratio, CBD:THC = 20:1. Same thing goes for...

Tinctures - this can be placed under the tongue, tinctures are usually extracted with alcohol like ethanol or butane like CO2, if this is a concern, a natural Oil may be a better fit.

Vape - This is the fastest and most effective method. Vaping with a vape pen may be most beneficial in that it is discrete, easy, and little to no smell, however, very concentrated. One puff is enough!

Transdermal Patch - Some Doctors are suggesting that using a CBD patch could be better, in that the medication is taken in without unwanted psychological effects.

Try something new - there are going to be continuous changes made to treatment with cannabis as more and more people are open to the idea of using this type of treatment as a remedy. I would suggest talking to other people and seeing what is working for them.

More dosing Guidelines found HERE

"daily injections with 20 mg/kg of CBD for three weeks" This was an effective treatment study done on mice. To help keep Alzheimer's symptoms at bay it is recommended to take cannabis medication daily. Having a tolerance break from cannabis once in a while can also be good, however, with this disease it may not be necessary.

Although what works for one may not work for all as cannabis effects people differently. As more research is conducted, we will be able to find a more suitable cannabis treatment.

So far, there are no studies suggesting a cure for Alzheimer's Disease. Once symptoms are noticed, the disease has already begun to take place in the brain. However, with the help of cannabis, AD patients can get some relief they are looking for, the progression of the disease is slowed, their memories come back. They can eat, sleep, think, and they are not depressed.
