Friday, October 22, 2021

Cannabis Infused Caramel Apples


Cannabis Infused Caramel Apples


On Halloween, all adults enjoy reminiscing that joyful time in their childhood memories about running around the neighborhood, dressed in their favorite costume, collecting candies from the neighbors. Now as adults it’s even more fun when you get to dress up in your favorite costume and go to a friends Halloween party. Want to know the perfect treat to share with all your ghoul friends? Who doesn’t love a Cannabis infused caramel apple! With sprinkles!?

When you show up with these delightful infused caramel apples, the party is sure to get cranking! Delicious, nutritious, sweet, and medicated; there is no turning down a childhood - turned adult - favorite treat! Who knows, it might persuade the judges to pick your costume as the best one!

Add these items to your grocery list and let’s make some tasty treats. Make sure to double the recipe ingredients if you need to make more.

  •         1 bag of Caramel (11-13oz)
  •         Sprinkles
  •         5-6 apples
  •       Sticks for holding and dipping the apple
  •         Cannabis infused oil or RSO


First thing you want to do is unwrap all of the caramel pieces and throw the wrappers in the trash, place the caramel pieces in a saucepan on the stove on Med-low heat. Add 2 tbsp of water. I usually start with the heating unit at medium and turn it down lower as the caramel starts to melt. Keep an eye on the caramel and stir with a fork occasionally, you don’t want the mixture to get too hot, or boiling for too long, you want to melt the candy in with the water and stir occasionally until the mixture is nice and smooth.

While the caramel is melting, go ahead and set up the apples by washing and drying them. Then, put a stick in them to hold them in place for dipping, the stick will also be the treat holder. Prepare a pan, lined with parchment paper. I put my apple treats in the fridge to cool faster, if you want to do this think about how much space is in the fridge for the pan to go into. However, you do not need to refrigerate these apples to get the caramel to harden. Pour the sprinkles in a flat dish for easy rolling of the apple.

Once the mixture is smooth add some cannabis oil or RSO into the melted caramel. Dosing very low because you want to make these infused treats for fun and we don’t want to accidentally dose too high. I personally prefer a dropper full of cannabis oil with THC and CBD. If I was using RSO, I would go with a small rice grain size, as it is more potent. The dosing size depends on the potency of your cannabis.

 After mixing in the cannabis into the melted caramel, grab your apples, with sticks inserted, and roll them around in the caramel, making sure to get a nice even coat of caramel all over the sides and bottom of the apple, without too much melted caramel on one side. At this stage I like keeping the sauce pan on lowest heat so the caramel doesn’t harden while I work.

After the caramel dip, roll the coated caramel apple in sprinkles. Less is more when it comes to sprinkles. They don’t taste super yummy, but they sure look cute!

Last, place the caramel- sprinkled apple upright on the prepared pan. You’ll want to move fast because once the heat is turned off on the caramel it tends to harden quickly. You can choose to either let them sit out and dry or stick them in the fridge for at least 20 minutes to harden faster.

 After your treats have dried and the caramels have hardened, it could be helpful to put them in a plastic candy bag, tied with Halloween themed ribbon. Your friends may like to enjoy their infused Halloween treats later when they are at home. I always enjoy making edibles to-go, so my friends can enjoy them later.

I hope you all have a very fun, and safe Halloween! Cheers!